Brenda ,the plain Jane

My name is Brenda i am a married 54 year old woman with no kids , i have always been a loner , i was and am not a looker i am one of the worlds plain Jane's , my husband like me is no lookers and was also a loner , we sort of just got together i am not sure there was much love involved in it , anyway we have been married 5 years now , sex was never a big thing between us and after a year he stopped asking for it or even trying to get it , so when he was at work i would satisfy myself with some sex toys i sent away for that my husband knows nothing about , i knew that no one would fancy me and even my husband dont so thought the toys would be the best thing, about 3 months ago my husband said we had to move because of his job , we moved to a little village just 3 miles away from his works we moved into a cottage with only one more cottage beside ours